2013-08-28 Wong, this is Fatty. It has been a year since you left, but Ball and I have not forgotten one bit about you. Even though I have not updated this blog as often as I could (last update was probably in 9/27/2012, typing a retro note on the day you passed away instead of typing Mui's 1st anniversary note), but Ball and I always mention your name, or how you used to act, day-in, day-out. As silly as it sounds, I always do what you disliked me to do - taking photos of you cats' photos and your ash boxes. At each of your sibling's or roommate's anniversary, I would always take out a camera and take a photo with me and/or Ball in it. Isn't that silly, huh?
There have been so many times Ball or I would think of you and/or other cats out loud. As recent as last weekend, I thought about you when we came home late from Ball parents' house. When I stepped into the house, I immediately thought about how you used to wait for us by sleeping on the dining table (after Lik was gone or when you were at home all by yourself), or how you would stuck yourself next to the window between the porch and living room so we could see you when we first came into the porch from outside.
Even though we have bought the new condo after you left us and place your ash there, but we always imagine you are "still at this house" with other cats. We have not changed the house much other than moving some things around, the only things missing are your stuff such as the litter box, water bowl, cat food plates, pet stairs, and blankets. Speaking of those things, we finally donated those things to a local no-kill cat shelter. It's funny that we have lived here for 15 years and that cat shelter is just 50 feet from our house! You have probably smelled or realized there's a cat shelter there all along, but Ball and I just officially found it out a couple of weeks ago!
Time is now 12:07am, it's your 1st anniversary officially. Hope you have already begun your reincarnation to a good happy family as a human being, if you believe in that. Ball and I are doing fine, but we will always miss you and the 10 other cats. We will always talk about all of you and other cats. Hopefully one day we would meet up with each other again along with all other cats.
I better stop typing before my tears flood out of my eyes...
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