
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/10/2012 - 4 years ago today (4/8/2008), Lung was due for another echocardiogram, so Ball and Fatty brought him to MSPCA to have such a procedure done.  Lung was detected with heart murmur when he was admitted to the emergency room in 2007, so that's the reason he needs to have his heart monitored every once in a while despite such a procedure was like $400 a pop, according to Fatty.

As usual, when Lung was waiting at the cat waiting area, he could not stay in a stage, like myself, but I have claustrophobia.

It was a long wait, so Lung did his usual window peeking as he was tall enough to do that.

Coincidently, Mui did the same exact procedure (echocardiogram) exactly 2 years after that (4/10/2010).  Although Mui was not as "out-going" as Lung, but she was not willing to stay inside the cage the whole time.

Though Mui did not have claustrophobia like me.

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