4/6/2012 - May be Bart was the public relation star cat in this house, so I remember a lot about her.
Like I stated recently, Bart's tumor began to bleed in early April 3 years ago. I remember I tried comforting her by cleaning her head and made sure she has a company. This picture was taken 3 years ago today (4/6/2009) as she was a little irritated by her tumor at the time.
Even at 2 years apart, but Mui was the next cat that passed away (in 9/2011) after Bart (8/2009), so I remember her well too. I always fought with Mui for various things from foods to sunlight to sleeping area, so Mui "is always in my mind" too. In this picture, she won the battle of occupying the bedroom window space for sunlight on a sunny morning. This picture was taken exactly a year ago (4/6/2011). As evident in the picture, she was meowing to show off her wining status, but she never showed her face when she lost to me.
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