
Monday, April 16, 2012

4/16/2012 - Ball and Fatty have a habit of throwing away or donating old stuff.  Throughout the 16+ years I have lived with them, they have discarded countless things.  6 years today (4/16/2006), they threw away an ottoman we loved.  Even Hart, who usually did not care much about anything, was guarding that ottoman.

I remember many of us have slept, vomited, fought, and left poops on that ottoman.  Although that ottoman was filled with filthiness, but it also carried a lot of nostalgic moments.  After they threw away that ottoman, even Gi, who was our sick leader at the time, expressed sadness about it.

A year ago today (4/16/2011), Lik was still recovering from her surgery of removing a cyst on her face.  Lik was supposed to wear an e-collar, like what I have gone through on 12/5/2009:

Off topic a little - I was taking methimazole for my hyperthyroidism at the time, but it caused severe itchiness on my skin, so I scratched constantly until bleeding:

Back to Lik - Ball and Fatty thought it was too harsh for her to wear that all day long.  So Fatty came up an interesting idea, as always, to prevent Lik from scratching her itchy incision.  Fatty used the same trick on Lik like what he had done on me back in 12/2009 (the following picture was taken on 12/12/2009): 

He put his Nike elbow band (for his own tennis elbow) around Lik's neck, so whenever Lik tries to scratch with one of her rear claws, she could only reach the Nike band instead.  It sounds like a silly trick, but we both fell for it!

Another thing from a year ago today (4/17/2011), Fatty forced me to take hydroxyzine because of my sneezing or allergy.  I was very resistent at the time, so whenever they injected it into my mouth, I would drool all over the living room or wherever I sat until it's completely drained out of my mouth.  I loved doing it because Ball and Fatty usually wasted about 3/4 of a roll of Bounty paper towel cleaning up the floor or furnitures.

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