
Monday, May 14, 2012

2012-05-14 Lonely breakfast and bloody nose

5/14/2012 - In the past, other cats would join me going the kitchen and demanded foods in the morning.  Like 3 years ago today (5/14/2009), all 5 of us at the time, MaGi, Mui, Bart, Lik, and I were eating together in the kitchen despite Bart was carrying the tumor and MaGi's health was deterioriating.

Look at me, I had to eat fast, otherwise, the other cats would eat my portion too!

2 years ago today (5/14/2010), all 3 of us at the time, Mui, Lik, and I were eating together in the kitchen as well.

This morning, I was just eating by myself...

Today's tree pollens are at a very high level, but I did not sneeze much because Ball and Fatty have vacuumed and cleaned the floor.  Though later in the evening, I sneezed once really hard.  Then there's blood coming out of my left nose!  After that, I wanted to be cuddled by somebody, and Ball did that most of the evening.

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