
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

2012-05-22 Lik ripped paper and Lung discharged from MSPCA

5/22/2012 - Like I stated yesterday, every cat in this house had distinctive personalities.  4 years ago today (5/22/2008), as we were waiting for Lung to be discharged from MSPCA, Lik was playing with some garbage paper.  Ever since we moved here in 2000, Lik began playing with garbage paper, and when she gets playful, she would use her teeth and ripped the papers apart like the following photo:

We, including Ball and Fatty, always laughed at Lik on how she played with garbage paper.  MaGi had that habit as well, but Lik just loved ripping through garbage papers.

Ball and Fatty told us that they sneaked out during lunch hour and visited Lung at the intensive care unit (ICU). They told us Lung was doing fine and active, so they were allowed to pick him up in the evening. 

As soon as Lung was allowed to be discharged in the evening (6pm), Fatty and Ball went straight to MSPCA after work.  Even though the bill came to like $1,800 for a 2-day stay, but as long as Lung was able to come home in one piece, Fatty and Ball just simply ignored how many % their credit cards were charging them in interest.  Fatty and Ball told us that Lung had like tens of tests done at the hospital.

At MSPCA, according to Ball and Fatty, Lung was starving. So they prepared some dry foods for Lung (they brought some cat dry foods with them to work), and silly Lung was just chowing down those like no tomorrow. 

As usual, Ball cuddled Lung in the back seats as Fatty was nagivating through the traffic during evening rush hours.  By the time Lung got home, he did not come into the house first, instead, he wanted to walk in the driveway!

That was the last time Lung got admitted into MSPCA because we, including Ball and Fatty, knew that Lung's days were numbered from that point and on.
A year ago today (5/22/2011), I did something Mui was unable to do from the previous day - drank water with Lik!  hahahahaha

Later in the day, all 3 of us at the time were allowed to visit our "game bag" from the small closet in the living room.  We were so happy that we could pick and choose toys we liked freely, spread them out in the living room and played with each other.

Ever since Lik left me behind 2 months ago, I have not visited the "game bag" because it's not the old days anymore.  What's the point of making a mess without my dear comrades advocating and cheering behind me?

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