
Saturday, May 19, 2012

2012-05-19 Stove replacement, Lung on inflatable bed, Mui urged Bart to exercise, and Bart playing frisbee

5/19/2012 - Once in a while, appliances are being replaced because they are broken, outdates, or flat-out dangerous.  Our stove came with the house, but Fatty told us that it was probably made several decades ago.  6 years ago today (5/19/2006), sparks started coming out from the stove for the nth time, so Ball and Fatty decided to replace it with a new one.  Fatty even called his good friend Steve to help too!

After Fatty and Steve were done ripping the old stove and placing the new one in the kitchen, they sat together and started chatting.  So us cats were sleeping as well.  Look at Gi and Lung.

At one point, Lung was annoyed, so he covered his eyes with his left front foot too!

Fast forward to 2 years after that (5/19/2008), Lung was already quite sick.  Though everytime he hears Ball or Fatty pumping the air bed, he knew that either one or both of them would sleep in the living room with him.  He often jumped on the bed before whoever would sleep with him that night.

3 years ago today (5/19/2009), Bart's tumor had already begun to bleed, as stated previously.  So, every once in a while, as silly as it sounds, Mui would urge Bart to exercise more because Mui believed the tumor would go away by becoming more active.

Bart was Mui's best friend, so Mui was very serious about urging Bart to exercise.

I remember Mui used to do that like every other night, but Bart seldom responded to Mui's advice.

Though when Ball and Fatty played with Bart, she would get up and played with them.

It was a frisbee-throwing night.

Despite Bart's growing tumor, she was quite responsive and able to lift both of her front legs to catch a frisbee.

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