
Thursday, May 17, 2012

2012-05-17 Lung kisses up to Gi, and MaGi "trained" Mui

5/17/2012 - As stated in previous posts, Lung always kissed up to Gi.  He even copied her's daily habits too!  Look at this:

Though I did sleep closer to Gi.

3 years ago today (5/17/2009), I was suffering from a cut that probably formed weeks prior.  I speculated there was a thorn that stuck between my right front digits, and that thorn either came from scratching the bedroom door's bottom, or the wood molding near the litter box.

On the same day, MaGi was already quite sick, but she was still "training" Mui to become a cat manager of this house.  MaGi was fighting or "training" Mui, and Mui was quite annoyed by that!

See, Mui was flipping her body to counter MaGi's attack.

Then MaGi found out Fatty and I were watching her, so she halted all actions.

Fatty kept petting MaGi and said she's a good cat.  In fact, I have always heard Ball and Fatty praising about MaGi.  The only time I heard Fatty yelling at MaGi was when she stepped on her own poop and made a mess around the house.

After that, MaGi went back to "train" Mui.  MaGi just could not stop the "training".  MaGi did it intentionally because she might have sensed her days were numbered at the time.

Mui loved keeping her mouth open when fighting.

Having her mouth open could make it more convenient for her to bite the attacker.  What a tactic!

Mui eventually went away, but MaGi kept following her!

Look at Mui, she ran like a rabbit.

MaGi chased Mui to the other side of the living room.

Then MaGi started "training" Mui again!

Even though Mui kept escaping, but MaGi just would not give up!  Mui tried to run to the kitchen because she knows either Ball or Fatty would start yelling if they fight in the kitchen, so she bet the kitchen is a safe place to get away from MaGi's attack.

MaGi ended her "training" on Mui after Mui escaped into the kitchen.  This whole training took like 7 minutes from start to finish.  I was awake by them, so I watched the entire episode.

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