
Thursday, May 24, 2012

2012-05-24 Lonely Robert, Gi's companionship, lizard Mui, and Fatty's photo

5/24/2012 - Although I did not talk to Robert much, but I always watched her hissing at Chung, or she would sleep, sit, eat, or lie alone somewhere.  8 years ago today (5/24/2004), even there were 9 of us at the time, but Robert was a little sad because Chung was gone a few months prior to that.

Fortunately, Gi would spend some time with Robert occasionally back then, so Robert did not feel lonely, unlike how I feel now.

On the same day, we kind of wanted to cheer up Robert, so we invited her to have group dinner with us.  Mui, the only short hair cat in our litter, even shared a bowl with her too!  The only cat missing from this photo is Lik.

Mui had a strange habit that probably learned from Robert - laid on the sofa like a lizard.  I remember Robert used to do that and I bet Mui learned it from her.  This photo was taken 4 years ago today (5/24/2008):

2 years ago today (5/24/2010), the 3 of us, Mui, Lik, and I, were generally healthy (Mui's kidneys just started to act up), so Fatty wanted to cuddle us and take a photo.  From time to time, Fatty would yell at us, but the cleaning he has done, the time and money he spent on us, the tears he shed, sacrifices he made, and the care he has provided to us over the years were simply priceless.  I cannot imagine I would be as selfless as Fatty and Ball if I am a human being.  They have not taken a vacation since 10/2004, near 8 years ago.  They have given up many opportunities from buying another house to having a child of their own to limiting their choice of cars, to giving up career advancements.  So once in a while, I would lie on him or at least bear with him if he's home alone.

Today, I have a visitor - Ball's oldest sister, Lancie!  I remember she would come visit Ball and us once in a long while.  She always treats us well.  I also remember couple years ago, she brought her son with her too despite her son is allergic to cat hair.  When Lancie came into the door, she kindly petted me too! 

Lancie is honest and kind.  She said something Benny stated: "I feel sorry for Wong as she's alone all by herself.  Hopefully I don't have to be like her when I get older."  I think she's right about that, but fortunately Fatty and Ball treat me well and spend a lot of time with me.

After that, it was my dinner time.  Nowadays, after Mui and Lik left, I rarely go into the kitchen and demand dinner proactively because I normally eat dry foods and a little bit wet food before Ball and Fatty come home at 6'ish.  So by the time they're home, I don't feel hungry at all.  Today is a little different, so I stood on the purple stool and demanded dinner.  Fatty kindly prepared the dinner for me tonight.

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