
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5/2/2012 - 5 years ago today (5/2/2007), Lung was recovering well, so he started rebuilding his habit of beating up other cats.  Unfortunately, I was his target that night.  First, he chased me to the kitchen and tried cornering me, but I was able to escape.

As I was running out of the kitchen, I thought he would give up, but he followed suit.

So I hid at the usual place - under Fatty's chair, but stupid Lung kept pursuing.

Lung then stroked his right front foot and tested if I would react to his action.  So I hissed at him.

After hissing at Lung, I tried escaping again.

See how fast I was running?  But Lung just did not want to give up.  As you can see, I was swirling like a fish-tailing car in order to run away from that evil Lung.

Lastly, I ran away fast enough, and Lung just could not catch up with me.

2 years ago today (5/2/2010), it was a lot more peaceful than 5 years ago.  Look at Mui and Lik, they looked relaxed and content.

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