
Saturday, May 5, 2012

5/5/2012 - 8 years ago today (5/5/2004), Ball and Fatty were watching a Chinese horror movie at home, and some of us were watching with them.  Lung had the biggest reaction amongst the 9 of us at the time.  Lung had his mouth wide open after the main character became a ghost or something.

After that scene, I did not even continue watching it because it's a silly movie, so I just turned my face away.

Lung probably realized he looked like a clown after being scared by a horror movie, so he started taking it out on other cats.  His target of the night - Bart.

5 years ago today (5/5/2007), Lung was well into recovery mode.  Like previous nights, he was beating up other cats to strengthen his body.  His target of the night - Mui. 

See how fast Lung ran towards Mui.

And Mui was well prepared too.

Mui's usual tactic was to flip her body and fought back.  This time was not an exception as evident in the following picture.

Usually Lung would give his target a dirty look if he or she fought back, so he gave Mui a dirty look.

But Lung did not pursue Mui that night, so he just went away.  Ball and Fatty have described Lung as a crocodile preying on zebra whenever he beat one of us up.

On the same day, I remember sleeping with all of the cats from my family except Hart.  Another cozy photo of us...

Today was a happy day as well.  My original mommy, May Yan, has come and visited me!  I have not seen her for a long time.  I do not quite remember when was last time she came into the house and visited me, probably a few months ago with her son Matthew.  Ball's mommy and her friend, in which I have met them several times in the past year, have come as well.  I did welcome them and I appreciate their visit.

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